Friday, July 31, 2015

Fruitful garden and cutting update.

   Two weeks ago I posted about taking cuttings and I must post new pictures of just how marvelous they are doing in just two weeks!

That have really loved the nice hot days we have finally been having here in Ohio after weeks of rain.

   I also was able to get my first tomatoes and zucchini from my garden.

Cucumbers are still playing hard to get though. I won't be planning for any this year. However the squash I planted with them have taken off like gangbusters! 

So much so I had to give them something more to climb! With a bit of repurposing I think this will do the trick! 

I'm looking forward to beans but for now they are pretty small and they were pretty curly yesterday so in making more of an effort to water them so they will fill out and straighten.

I should have a pile of them by Monday. I hope there's enough to start canning them.

I hope to have more updates on the beans and. Canning of the beans next week.

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