Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Making cheese

I scoured the internet and found making cheese was easy! So as a school project I figured it would be a breeze !
   Not so much!
   I found a proclamation of "Make cheese in 20 minutes" and we did it.
4 HOURS later we had cheese!

I suppose it's not very expensive. Once you have the rennet and citric acid it will last forever and isn't very expensive at all. About $5 for them both. A gallon of milk (yes a whole gallon made that small wheel of cheese) and some salt which I already had for canning. Cheese cloth is easy to find during canning season but good luck after that! I found it at the dollar store.
Let me add that I totally loved the fact my son enjoyed the cheese. So it was worth it. But I lost my helper about 30 minutes in to the project.

If you have time and milk that isn't ULTRA PASTURIZED and these few items I would suggest you try it! Flavor it with chili powder or tomato or garlic or whatever you choose to liven it up. (unfortunately my helper is not a try-er of new things) but wanted it plain! 
   It was still a yummy experiment and we had fun.

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