Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What they don't know might be healthy.

I have this in a finicky eater. I don't mean just turned up his nose at one or two things. I mean this kid will not be anything except food that is on his preapproved list. Clear soup broth is his favorite soup, spaghetti with no sauce, pizza with no sauce, of course he likes french fries, and his staple is chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese. And not the homemade kind! 
   He didn't see this coming!

I dehydrated veggies and made veggie powder. A pound if veggies grinds down to a few spoon fulls of the powder that can be hidden even in cookies, cakes, and brownies! 

These are brownies.

If you look really close you can see the granules.

But not one granule shows after they are baked! Not a trace of taste either!!! ( I tried to detect even a hint of the veggie powder knowing it was there and couldn't) and my finicky eater declared they were so good they didn't need frosting!

I figure this is a win, score 1 for Mom!

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