Thursday, May 29, 2014

Plants Plants Everywhere!!!

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My porch is a complete disaster!

   My family is tired of all the plants lying around and all the gardening supplies and buckets and watering cans left out.

We didn't have our last frost until the late  may last year and it has been so wet I haven't been able to get outside  much.

I wanted to hedge my bets and have plenty but some plants are not ready to transplant yet anyway.

Some of my tomatoes are still not ready and haven't gotten their true leaves.

My Chayote squash are past ready and I am just not sure where to put them.

My Tennis ball lettuce is nearly full grown but my Tom Thumb lettuce is acting like it quite, I planted it before the Tennis ball by over a week.

I am so busy with work and my community garden and broken rorotiller I just haven't been able to plant anything other than my strawberry plants in my own garden beds yet. I need some extra days off with out thunder storms.

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