Thursday, May 29, 2014

Rototiller Trauma!

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                                  The race on!

   I know of no other tool that saves as much work in the garden as the ROTOTILLER!

   I bought this bad boy last year for a steal. and was so happy until........

we tried to start it this season and it wouldn't start for more than a few seconds.

After 3 days of fiddling with it a nearby neighbor of my father in law said he could probably have it fixed by is THURSDAY... and I haven't heard back about it yet.

   It is finally time to start planting in our community garden and I haven't tilled a single plot yet. Having my tiller in for repair is seriously slowing me down.

   I am just itching (and not just because mosquitoes are so awful) to throw in the earbuds and start getting something done!


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